1. Swim during a run
2. Leave your mark during the senior sendoff Monkey Run
3. Get a paper plate award
4. Run through graveyards on Halloween
5. Celebrate Thirsty Thursday with Bubble Tea
6. Do Monkey Run at least 20 times before graduating
7. Make up your own run and name it
8. Be the first one to yell “horse!” upon seeing the horses at horse farms
9. Stop to pet the horses at horse farms
10. Find a geocache
11. Run in a blizzard
12. Run 100 miles in a week
13. Participate in the Skunk Cabbage Half Marathon or 10K
14. Run at night
15. Lead a run
16. Get lost on a run
17. Go home for Thanksgiving and realize how much faster you have become since being introduced to Ithaca inclines by doing a Turkey Trot
18. Try to persuade your non-running friends to join club
19. Stride across the Arts Quad
20. Come to club even though weather.com says its about 0 degrees
21. Spend an entire run "catching up" because the person who advertised the run ended up running faster than the pace they advertised
22. Lead a run and end up running faster than the pace you advertised
23. Spend your own run “catching up” because other people started running faster than the pace you advertised
24. Get chased by a dog
25. Host a Running Club Party
26. Joggle
27. Participate in Workout Wednesday
28. Recruit freshmen at ClubFest
29. Have trouble recognizing your fellow club members when they're not wearing running clothes
30. Hold up your run for a GPS watch
31. Develop a slight addiction to Strava
32. Check Strava more than any other social media
33. Run the day of a final or prelim
34. Collect shirts from every road race
35. Dodge a car (Please do not do this willingly)
36. Fall while running and then keep going (Optional: Poison Ivy, but please wash up ASAP)
37. Run with holes in your shoes (or two different shoes) because you refuse to buy new ones
38. Find stuff on the ground during a run (sunglasses, unwanted furniture, etc.) and keep it
39. High five a road sign
40. Randomly scream a weird noise towards the end of a long run
41. Put a sticker on the cabinet in Goldwin Smith
42. Go trick or treating in Ithaca on Halloween
43. Race in a banana suit at the Binghamton Banana Relays
44. Walk across the Monkey bridge with no hands
45. Cross the Monkey bridge like a sloth
46. Sign your name in the journal on the Monkey Run
47. Ring the bell in the plantations mid-run
48. Buy club apparel
49. Participate in the Beer mile (5 points for finishing, 10 for winning)
50. Be more active in the Groupme than at club
51. Climb up the dirt cliff on Monkey Trail without the rope
52. Pay your dues
53. Walk up the slope during a run
54. Post a proof of you running as your Facebook profile picture
55. Get bragged about on the CRC Facebook page
56. Run a marathon
57. Finish an ultra
58. Run up the 161 steps to the top of the clock tower
59. Go for a run on Slope Day (sober optional)
60. Run the same run every day in a week
61. Compete to see who can get the most mud on their legs by the end of a run
62. Participate in a Short Shorts contest
63. Swing on the swing hanging from the Piglet’s Corner tree
64. Do a FLRC trail race
65. Compete in a NIRCA race
66. Make a weekend trip out of a NIRCA race
67. Get so dehydrated on a spring/summer run that the creek water is too tempting to resist...
68. Run Sunset Park at sunset
69. Go to the gym because it is "too cold to run outside", realize that treadmills are immensely boring, bundle up, and come to club instead
70. Have an abs workout party in the grass next to Goldwin Smith after a run
71. Get ice cream at Purity after an FLRC summer track race
72. Persuade someone with a car to do the race you want to do that is 4 hours away
73. Run the entire length of Mount Pleasant Road
74. Do repeats on Libe slope, then roll down it
75. Do a relay (ie. Ragnar, Seneca7)
76. Go to a wholesome CRC social event (ie. pasta party, movie night)
77. Run to Ithaca College to see the great view of Cornell
78. Have a crush on a fellow running clubber
79. Poop in Sapsucker woods (10 points if you see wildlife while going)
80. Run somewhere for a personal errand
81. Develop your own personal map of every restroom, porta potty, and convenient hiding spot to do the dirty
82. Bump into a golfer/golf cart while running on the sidewalk behind the Mosley House Country Club
83. Run to Apple Fest and eat too much to run back
84. Have people yell "Run Forrest, Run!" to you on a run
85. Meet an Olympic runner
86. Go for a run, get tired, bus back
87. Try to run horse farms in the spring, slip and fall in the mud
88. Try to run horse farms between November and March, slip and fall on the ice
89. Get yelled at by drivers for taking up the road or running on the wrong side of the street
90. Go somewhere important before showering after club (take pride in your sweat)
91. Persuade someone else to run for a Running Club Officer position
92. Climb the A.D. White statue
93. Become a trail snob because no place is better to run than Ithaca
94. Plan to do work all day, then run in the morning and sleep away the entire afternoon
95. Forget something in the Goldwin Smith cabinet
96. Overdress for a run
97. Underdress for a run
98. Run up all of Buffalo to Goldwin Smith
99. Meet up with another Running Club member in a different country
100. Yell “join running club” to a stranger who is on their own run
101. Make up a story to explain the name of the run Pornstar
102. Bike Seneca7, regret it, sign up to do it again
103. Argue about whether gloves or mittens or glittens are warmer. Start wearing socks as gloves because you realize that it is better to snot on socks because you can wash them (snotty gloves are gross).
104. See one of your professors on a run
105. Hurdle over roadkill
106. Do the two by arts quad workout (walk around the Arts Quad twice... yep thats it... A MONUMENTAL ACHIEVEMENT) the day after you PR at the Skunk Cabbage Half Marathon
107. Use your running ability to safely run back to your house after a night at the bars or a party
108. Return as a CRC alum <3
109. Go around a fence that has a "no trespassing" sign on it (unless it’s actually dangerous then please don't trespass)
110. Use "I have to run in the morning" as an excuse to not drink too much or stay out too late
111. End up hungover the next day regardless, but run it off
112. Attend a running club mixer
113. Attain a better knowledge of the roads and trails off campus than of the campus itself
114. Run a NIRCA race under someone else’s name
115. Complete a Dastardly Daily Double- run twice in one day
116. Complain that you have class during club
117. Base your course enroll on the fact that Club will either be at 4 or 5 pm so you can not take classes after those times
118. Get to club early on the first day because you were nervous club would actually leave on time
119. Arrive to club 5 minutes late because club will wait for you anyway
120. Finish running at exactly 6pm and then play guess that song on the chimes
121. Be late for dinner because you are too busy chatting after club
122. Learn all the trails but have no idea how to give directions on how to do them
123. Get removed from the Groupme
124. Get beat by a little kid during a race
125. Complain incessantly about every trivial incline on every run
126. Run in your already sweaty clothes because you're too lazy to do laundry
127. Wear a safety vest (for safety)
128. Pregame a run
129. Wake up earlier than you do for class on the weekends to make sure you eat an hour before the Saturday/Sunday morning run
130. Cheer for your fellow club members after you finished the race or during it
131. 11, 14, 15, and 16 on the same run... in the woods (QUADRUPLE THREAT!)
132. Compete in the Stud Muffin Challenge at the Harvard Invitational
133. Run a 5K in the Plantations Arboretum
134. Crash a track club practice in Barton
135. Play on the playground in the middle of Lava Monster
136. Drive to a race far away, annoy everyone in the car by taking over aux and playing the same song on repeat
137. Try Gu
138. Go for a run while on vacation, submit it to the CRC Instagram and make everyone jealous of where you are
139. Win the Latest in the Fall or Earliest in the Spring to Run Without a Shirt, Full Pants, Gloves, or Hat/Headband contest
140. Throw a rock down the dam at the end of the 6 mile creek run
141. Get loopy on a long run and tell people things you probably should not have said
142. Get reimbursed for a really expensive race by telling a club officer you plan to do it before SAFC funding is due
143. Swim during a run the day after a snowfall
144. Pride yourself on keeping up with specific members even if it was their slow day
145. Run with someone you don’t normally run with realize how awesome they are
146. Ignore people who think that you cannot get out of shape by taking a few days off
147. Participate in club Secret Santa
148. Qualify for Boston
149. Base your eating schedule on when you will be running
150. Run through a snowstorm in April
151. Run Freese backwards (Melt) and come over the hill to see the big tree at horse farms right as the sun is setting behind it
152. Try to do a workout at the plantations in the snow, end up sledding down the hills instead
153. Drive to a new place then come up with a way to make that part of a run
154. Ignore an injury by running on grass instead of taking days off
155. Use a Cornell pool only because you are injured
156. Road trip to NIRCA Nationals
157. Show up to important meetings/classes in a tank top and running shorts in anticipation of the day’s run
158. Create a running club sub club (ie. Cornell Running Club Swimming Club)
159. Play Sardines with CRC
160. Run up the steps of Goldwin Smith pretending to be Rocky
161. Come to club!
2. Leave your mark during the senior sendoff Monkey Run
3. Get a paper plate award
4. Run through graveyards on Halloween
5. Celebrate Thirsty Thursday with Bubble Tea
6. Do Monkey Run at least 20 times before graduating
7. Make up your own run and name it
8. Be the first one to yell “horse!” upon seeing the horses at horse farms
9. Stop to pet the horses at horse farms
10. Find a geocache
11. Run in a blizzard
12. Run 100 miles in a week
13. Participate in the Skunk Cabbage Half Marathon or 10K
14. Run at night
15. Lead a run
16. Get lost on a run
17. Go home for Thanksgiving and realize how much faster you have become since being introduced to Ithaca inclines by doing a Turkey Trot
18. Try to persuade your non-running friends to join club
19. Stride across the Arts Quad
20. Come to club even though weather.com says its about 0 degrees
21. Spend an entire run "catching up" because the person who advertised the run ended up running faster than the pace they advertised
22. Lead a run and end up running faster than the pace you advertised
23. Spend your own run “catching up” because other people started running faster than the pace you advertised
24. Get chased by a dog
25. Host a Running Club Party
26. Joggle
27. Participate in Workout Wednesday
28. Recruit freshmen at ClubFest
29. Have trouble recognizing your fellow club members when they're not wearing running clothes
30. Hold up your run for a GPS watch
31. Develop a slight addiction to Strava
32. Check Strava more than any other social media
33. Run the day of a final or prelim
34. Collect shirts from every road race
35. Dodge a car (Please do not do this willingly)
36. Fall while running and then keep going (Optional: Poison Ivy, but please wash up ASAP)
37. Run with holes in your shoes (or two different shoes) because you refuse to buy new ones
38. Find stuff on the ground during a run (sunglasses, unwanted furniture, etc.) and keep it
39. High five a road sign
40. Randomly scream a weird noise towards the end of a long run
41. Put a sticker on the cabinet in Goldwin Smith
42. Go trick or treating in Ithaca on Halloween
43. Race in a banana suit at the Binghamton Banana Relays
44. Walk across the Monkey bridge with no hands
45. Cross the Monkey bridge like a sloth
46. Sign your name in the journal on the Monkey Run
47. Ring the bell in the plantations mid-run
48. Buy club apparel
49. Participate in the Beer mile (5 points for finishing, 10 for winning)
50. Be more active in the Groupme than at club
51. Climb up the dirt cliff on Monkey Trail without the rope
52. Pay your dues
53. Walk up the slope during a run
54. Post a proof of you running as your Facebook profile picture
55. Get bragged about on the CRC Facebook page
56. Run a marathon
57. Finish an ultra
58. Run up the 161 steps to the top of the clock tower
59. Go for a run on Slope Day (sober optional)
60. Run the same run every day in a week
61. Compete to see who can get the most mud on their legs by the end of a run
62. Participate in a Short Shorts contest
63. Swing on the swing hanging from the Piglet’s Corner tree
64. Do a FLRC trail race
65. Compete in a NIRCA race
66. Make a weekend trip out of a NIRCA race
67. Get so dehydrated on a spring/summer run that the creek water is too tempting to resist...
68. Run Sunset Park at sunset
69. Go to the gym because it is "too cold to run outside", realize that treadmills are immensely boring, bundle up, and come to club instead
70. Have an abs workout party in the grass next to Goldwin Smith after a run
71. Get ice cream at Purity after an FLRC summer track race
72. Persuade someone with a car to do the race you want to do that is 4 hours away
73. Run the entire length of Mount Pleasant Road
74. Do repeats on Libe slope, then roll down it
75. Do a relay (ie. Ragnar, Seneca7)
76. Go to a wholesome CRC social event (ie. pasta party, movie night)
77. Run to Ithaca College to see the great view of Cornell
78. Have a crush on a fellow running clubber
79. Poop in Sapsucker woods (10 points if you see wildlife while going)
80. Run somewhere for a personal errand
81. Develop your own personal map of every restroom, porta potty, and convenient hiding spot to do the dirty
82. Bump into a golfer/golf cart while running on the sidewalk behind the Mosley House Country Club
83. Run to Apple Fest and eat too much to run back
84. Have people yell "Run Forrest, Run!" to you on a run
85. Meet an Olympic runner
86. Go for a run, get tired, bus back
87. Try to run horse farms in the spring, slip and fall in the mud
88. Try to run horse farms between November and March, slip and fall on the ice
89. Get yelled at by drivers for taking up the road or running on the wrong side of the street
90. Go somewhere important before showering after club (take pride in your sweat)
91. Persuade someone else to run for a Running Club Officer position
92. Climb the A.D. White statue
93. Become a trail snob because no place is better to run than Ithaca
94. Plan to do work all day, then run in the morning and sleep away the entire afternoon
95. Forget something in the Goldwin Smith cabinet
96. Overdress for a run
97. Underdress for a run
98. Run up all of Buffalo to Goldwin Smith
99. Meet up with another Running Club member in a different country
100. Yell “join running club” to a stranger who is on their own run
101. Make up a story to explain the name of the run Pornstar
102. Bike Seneca7, regret it, sign up to do it again
103. Argue about whether gloves or mittens or glittens are warmer. Start wearing socks as gloves because you realize that it is better to snot on socks because you can wash them (snotty gloves are gross).
104. See one of your professors on a run
105. Hurdle over roadkill
106. Do the two by arts quad workout (walk around the Arts Quad twice... yep thats it... A MONUMENTAL ACHIEVEMENT) the day after you PR at the Skunk Cabbage Half Marathon
107. Use your running ability to safely run back to your house after a night at the bars or a party
108. Return as a CRC alum <3
109. Go around a fence that has a "no trespassing" sign on it (unless it’s actually dangerous then please don't trespass)
110. Use "I have to run in the morning" as an excuse to not drink too much or stay out too late
111. End up hungover the next day regardless, but run it off
112. Attend a running club mixer
113. Attain a better knowledge of the roads and trails off campus than of the campus itself
114. Run a NIRCA race under someone else’s name
115. Complete a Dastardly Daily Double- run twice in one day
116. Complain that you have class during club
117. Base your course enroll on the fact that Club will either be at 4 or 5 pm so you can not take classes after those times
118. Get to club early on the first day because you were nervous club would actually leave on time
119. Arrive to club 5 minutes late because club will wait for you anyway
120. Finish running at exactly 6pm and then play guess that song on the chimes
121. Be late for dinner because you are too busy chatting after club
122. Learn all the trails but have no idea how to give directions on how to do them
123. Get removed from the Groupme
124. Get beat by a little kid during a race
125. Complain incessantly about every trivial incline on every run
126. Run in your already sweaty clothes because you're too lazy to do laundry
127. Wear a safety vest (for safety)
128. Pregame a run
129. Wake up earlier than you do for class on the weekends to make sure you eat an hour before the Saturday/Sunday morning run
130. Cheer for your fellow club members after you finished the race or during it
131. 11, 14, 15, and 16 on the same run... in the woods (QUADRUPLE THREAT!)
132. Compete in the Stud Muffin Challenge at the Harvard Invitational
133. Run a 5K in the Plantations Arboretum
134. Crash a track club practice in Barton
135. Play on the playground in the middle of Lava Monster
136. Drive to a race far away, annoy everyone in the car by taking over aux and playing the same song on repeat
137. Try Gu
138. Go for a run while on vacation, submit it to the CRC Instagram and make everyone jealous of where you are
139. Win the Latest in the Fall or Earliest in the Spring to Run Without a Shirt, Full Pants, Gloves, or Hat/Headband contest
140. Throw a rock down the dam at the end of the 6 mile creek run
141. Get loopy on a long run and tell people things you probably should not have said
142. Get reimbursed for a really expensive race by telling a club officer you plan to do it before SAFC funding is due
143. Swim during a run the day after a snowfall
144. Pride yourself on keeping up with specific members even if it was their slow day
145. Run with someone you don’t normally run with realize how awesome they are
146. Ignore people who think that you cannot get out of shape by taking a few days off
147. Participate in club Secret Santa
148. Qualify for Boston
149. Base your eating schedule on when you will be running
150. Run through a snowstorm in April
151. Run Freese backwards (Melt) and come over the hill to see the big tree at horse farms right as the sun is setting behind it
152. Try to do a workout at the plantations in the snow, end up sledding down the hills instead
153. Drive to a new place then come up with a way to make that part of a run
154. Ignore an injury by running on grass instead of taking days off
155. Use a Cornell pool only because you are injured
156. Road trip to NIRCA Nationals
157. Show up to important meetings/classes in a tank top and running shorts in anticipation of the day’s run
158. Create a running club sub club (ie. Cornell Running Club Swimming Club)
159. Play Sardines with CRC
160. Run up the steps of Goldwin Smith pretending to be Rocky
161. Come to club!
Cornell Running Club is a registered student organization of Cornell University